Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Today in 2nd Grade!

Today we finished working on our time capsule information sheets.  Students told me different things about themselves such as their favorite sport, school subject, or pizza topping.  They also told me things they were nervous or excited about when starting 2nd grade.  It will be interesting to see if things change by the end of the year (including spelling, handwriting, and interests of the students).

Please remember that we have library tomorrow!  Please bring your library books to school!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Big thank you to the families who donated supplies to our room!  The picture below shows our bathroom passes that were donated to us!!  When a student using the bathroom, they place the bottle of hand sanitizer on their desk and they know to sanitize after their return!

Other supplies we could still use:
  • Small stickers (For our bucket filling record keeper)
  • Disinfecting wipes
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Package of black socks (to use as marker board erasers)

Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day in Second Grade!

I hope we all got our first day jitters out today!  Tomorrow is our first full day!  :)  Today we talked about Bucket Filling (ask your child to explain our invisible buckets to you), we organized our desks and supplies, and did several other housekeeping tasks.

A few things:
- Please send the purple information sheet back to school - if you need another copy I can email it to you or send a copy home with your child.
- Students who have pencil boxes that are too big for their desk are recommended to bring something that will fit in their desk.  This will give your child easy access to the items they need instead of going to their mailbox for supplies.
- I will start posting pictures after Sept. 2nd!  If you prefer your child's photos were not posted on our blog, you may opt out before next Monday.  Please contact the office if you choose to do this.

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Hope everyone enjoyed their last summer weekend!  It was great to see an Indian victory Friday night! Just a couple reminders:

Second graders need to go to the playground on the WEST side of the school (with the fence around it) before school starts.  In the newsletter, I wrote the southwest playground.  Sorry for any confusion!

I will be providing snack the first week.  If anyone would like to volunteer to bring snack for one of these days, please let me know!  Everyone should have received an email from the school regarding the new snack program.  Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this.  It will be $40/year or $5/month, if you choose to enroll in the program.

Don't forget to bring back your purple packet with contact information!

I can't wait to see you all again tomorrow!  Get lots of rest - tomorrow is a big day! :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I will be providing snack for the first week of school.  After that, the school will be providing a snack for your child.  There will be a letter sent home with your child with more information about the new snack program. There will no longer be a snack calendar sent home monthly!

Water Bottles
Your child may bring their own personal water bottle to use to stay hydrated throughout the school day.  These will be filled at the water fountain in our classroom.  

Water bottles will be sent home on Fridays to be cleaned and students may bring them back the following week.

Students may bring treats for the class (20 students) on their birthday, if they wish.  Students who have birthdays during the summer are welcome to celebrate their Half Birthday during the school year with us!  Please try to stay away from lactose products, such as ice cream, and peanut products.

Please let me know if you have any questions!  Thanks for being flexible and understanding!

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Welcome to our class blog!  I will be updating frequently and posting pictures on this site, so be sure to check back often.  There are different tabs at the top.

Symbaloo is another site for students to use, to go to other recommended websites.  I have websites saved on there for reading, exploring, math, and educational games.  Just click on the tile on the Symbaloo page to go to that website.