Welcome Back Letter

Welcome to 2nd Grade!

Welcome to second grade and to our classroom!  I am excited about having you in my class this year.  Hopefully you have had a wonderful summer and are looking forward to coming back to learn new things and see your friends.

Occasionally, your child will have math homework to do.  It will be due the next day.  The homework is a great way to see if your child understands the math lesson for the day.  I do not send regular homework.  Students have their Word Journeys list to study and should read 20 minutes each night.

A Few Things We Will Be Learning!
We will be using a new math curriculum throughout the elementary building called CGI (Cognitively Guided Instruction).  This gives students the chance to solve math story problems in several different ways.

Some units we will be learning in social studies include: Tracing a Community’s History, Living in a Community, Our Government, Looking at the Earth/Map Skills, and Learning about People (Family Heritage and Cultural Celebrations).

Science units include: The Solar System, Forces and Motion, Light and Sound, and Health and Nutrition.  

It is my expectation that everyone in our classroom respects people, property, and things.  I follow the techniques of Love and Logic.  If you would like to know more about it, visit this website: www.loveandlogic.com.  The main goal of Love and Logic is to make children responsible for their actions and guide them in to making quality choices for themselves as they grow.

We will be having a small healthy snack midmorning to help the students do their best work.  Each child will be assigned to bring a snack on their designated day for the class (20 students).  I will send home a monthly snack schedule.  This will also be posted on our blog.

The snacks are required by school policy to be purchased, not homemade.  Please send healthy snack that are easy to serve.  Some ideas are: snack crackers, pretzels, bananas, apples, pears, carrots, applesauce cups, small boxes of raisins, string cheese, breakfast bars, etc.

Students may bring their own personal water bottles to use during the school day. Bottles will be sent home on Fridays.

Specials Schedule

Day 1: PE/Music
Day 2: Library/SMART
Day 3: Music/PE
Day 4: Art
Day 5: SMART/Library

It is your child’s responsibility to make sure to wear tennis shoes on PE days.

Special Dates Coming Up
Monday, August 27 First Day! 1:30 dismissal
Tuesday, August 28 First full day of school! 3:20 dismissal
Monday, September 3 NO SCHOOL!             Labor Day
Thursday, September 6       Picture Day!

Please make a plan for early dismissals (including early outs this winter due to snow) so your child can be confident as they leave the classroom.

Before School!
Students should not be in the building before 8:15 a.m. unless they are eating breakfast.  Students need to go to the small playground on the southwest side of the building.  DO NOT go to the gym!

Contact Information
Please feel free to contact me anytime!  I check my email regularly but if there is an urgent message during the school day please call the school office and they will relay the message to me.

Email: eschmidt@spirit-lake.k12.ia.us
School Phone: 712-336-2822
My extension: 4020
Office (Dana) extension: 4010

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